I. Vocabulary and Structure( 10 points, l point each)
1. Anxiety can———— _ with children's performance at school.
A. refer B. prefer
C infer D. interfere
2. In order to follow fashions, the girl has to———— _ great discomforts.
A. catch up with B. put up with
C. keep up with D. fall in with
3. There was only two__ _ of HINI yesterday in the whole country.
A. situations B. occasions
C: cases D. circumstances
4. We have greatly___ _ the procedure according to the chairman's suggestion.
A. stimulated B. perceived
C. obscured D. simplified
5. During the past two decades, research has _____- our knowledge of daydreaming.
A. expanded B. emerged
C. descended D. conquered
6. New drivers are far more —————— to have accidents than experienced drivers.
A. possible B. likely
C. probable D unlikely
7. Robots differ from automatic machines ————— after completion of one specific task, they can be
reprogrammed by a computer to do another one.
A. that B. which
C. in that D. in which
8. Don't trust everything ————_ you have read in the newspapers.
A. which B. that
C. as D. what
9. There was plenty of time. She——————
A. mustn't have hurried B. couldn't have hurried
C. must not hurry D. needn't have hurried
10. To write up his novel, John is looking for an environment free—————— outside distraction.
A. on B. with
C. from D. in