Ⅴ. Word Form(10 points, 1 point for each item)
56.They said he was (capable) of holding public office, so they decided to deprive him of his post。
57. Edison failed thousands of times before he succeeded in producing the first (electricity) lamp。
58.They (mistake) in their appreciation of the country s economic conditions。
59. A written schedule is necessary for a (begin) freshman as he has had little experience and has not found a good time-control habit。
60. Once wasting time becomes your habit, you will continue (waste) more time。
61. It goes without (say) that healthy men are happier than sick men。
62. The candidates for presidency campaigned by sending out letters to voters and (speak) at public meetings。
63. The Ivy League is a group of eight old and (compete) universities of the northeastern United States。
64.The burden of running the factory is too heavy for his (fail) health。
65. If you look up tonight, you will see that the stars shine brightly in the (cloud) sky。
、. Translation from Chinese into English(15 points, 3 points for each item)
Ⅶ. Translation from English into Chinese(15 points)
Quantity is equally important at a Chinese table. Chinese tend to order (and in their own homes, prepare ) much, much more food than the number of people attending can reasonably be expected to eat. When there is a lot of food left over at the end of the meal, the host can be assured that she had ordered a sufficient quantity. Of course, over the years, this practice has resulted in an incalculable amount of wasted food (though, thankfully, the trend in recent years seems to be toward taking food home). But the persistence of this emphasis on quantity tells the continued importance of considerations of face。